2019(e)ko apirilaren 30(a), asteartea


The last Spanish elections happened on the last sunday, and we decided we should do a copilation about the different politician parties that took part on them.


The political team called PSOE, which is, as they say, a left place political partie used the slogan "haz que pase".
By this slogan they tell the people they should vote them to make a great revolution happen, and make Spain a better place.
It looks like they got what they wanted because they got 123 seats out of 350. By this way, the political right way can't have the government by itself.
Resultado de imagen de pp valor seguro 


The political team called PP wanted to transmit security by having trust on the years they were in government by their slogan "valor seguro".
They didn't have any luck because they had the worst elections outcome of all their history as a Spanish political partie. 


Resultado de imagen de eh bildu erabakiThe political team EHBildu wanted to transmit an idea to all the basque people thas is they should choose by themselves the future of the Basque Country.
They had a great outcome in this elections because the party got 4 seats, a very great position for them.


In conclusion, I have to say that the political left side has won this elections because there was a lot of people of the center side that voted PSOE because of the political right expresion of CIUDADANOS, as a lot of experts say.
With this ending, It is obvious that the left political side has won the elections this year and the right side has lost voting people.

2019(e)ko apirilaren 9(a), asteartea


I created my own radio programme of 4 minutes and talked about a song I had to analyse.The song I chose is Natural, from Imagine Dragons, and this is what I did:


All of the students are forced to take the decision of taking arts or sciences in a moment of their lives. We talked about arts and science in class and we decided we should do an audio to explain the pros and cons of each of them.



We all had to do a presentation about a European city and Unai and I chose Venice. The presentation has been great and we hope al our class...