2018(e)ko azaroaren 9(a), ostirala


We had to do a presentation about a famous photographer and we chose Ansel adams.

Jhose and I thought that we could choose Ansel Adams because the type of photography he used appealed a lot to us. We also thought we could have taken some photos like he's ones in the past too.
It was excellent working on this project because we both learnt about photography and we took great photos. At first we told about his biography: it was very interesting and after that we both talked about his and our photos. The photo i will choose to describe now is this one:

I chose this photo i took because it looked very similar to Ansel's photos due to the landscape at the background and the person at the foreground. I edited this photo to be black and white so that it looked more like his photos because when Ansel was alive, digital cameras didn't exist and it was literally impossible to take pictures in colour. When i was describing the photo, I said that town was a place that has been very used for making very famous films like Gladiator for example. I mentioned that guy looked as Ansel Adams in some of his photos "hunting the perfect shot".

iruzkinik ez:

Argitaratu iruzkina



We all had to do a presentation about a European city and Unai and I chose Venice. The presentation has been great and we hope al our class...